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Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH02-06-05) physiotherapy
Intended Learning Activity: #explain# Cervical Spine
Author: tharangam@sltc.ac.lk
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH02-06-05) physiotherapy
Intended Learning Activity: #develop# Non-verbal Reaoning- Analytical Reasoning, Paper Folding, Image Analysis, Mirror Images, Analogy, Pattern Completion, Paper Cutting, Cubes and Dice, Classification, Water Images, Figure Matrix
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH02-06-05) physiotherapy
Intended Learning Activity: #develop# Logical Ability
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 2
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH02-06-05) physiotherapy
Intended Learning Activity: #prepare# Creating Online Profile on different Digital Media Platforms: Different job portals, professional networking sites, how to create profile online. Thing to remember while creating online profiles, concept of video resumes.
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH02-06-05) physiotherapy
Intended Learning Activity: #develop# Interview Skills: About Interview, Types of Interviews, frequently asked interview questions, Blunders to be avoided during Interviews.
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 4
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH02-06-05) physiotherapy
Intended Learning Activity: #perform# Group Discussion: Basics of GD, Different Formats to conduct GD, Do’s and Don’ts of GD, Mock GD.
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 2
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH02-06-05) physiotherapy
Intended Learning Activity: #analyse# Info-Graphics Analysis: About Info-graphics, how to analyses info-graphics, Info-graphics and daily life.
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 4
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH02-06-05) physiotherapy
Intended Learning Activity: #develop# Presentation Dos and Don’ts, format, flow of presentation.
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH02-06-05) physiotherapy
Intended Learning Activity: #develop# Deportment or Grooming: Components of Deportment, importance of grooming, Do’s, and Don’ts of grooming
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 1
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH02-06-05) physiotherapy
Intended Learning Activity: #prepare# Prepare Cover Letter
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 2
Intended Learning Activity: #prepare# Resume Building: Formats of Resume, Difference between Resume and CV, Online Resume, Drafting resume
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 6
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH07-01-01) physics
Intended Learning Activity: #derive# Eulers rigid body equations in spatial and body frames solely using the principle of conservation of momentum and that mutual particle interactions act long the line joining the two particles
Author: smaithri@eng.pdn.ac.lk
Number of Hours: 4
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH07-01-01) physics
Intended Learning Activity: #derive# the expression of angular velocity by considering the action of the group of rigid rotations, SO(3), on 3D space
Author: smaithri@eng.pdn.ac.lk
Number of Hours: 6
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH07-01-01) physics
Intended Learning Activity: #derive# equations of motion for the centre of mass movement of coupled objects that are constrained in space
Author: smaithri@eng.pdn.ac.lk
Number of Hours: 4
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH07-01-01) physics
Intended Learning Activity: #relate# the law of conservation of linear momentum to the three Laws of mechanics as stated by Newton and the motion of a water bubble in a space capsule in outer space.
Author: smaithri@eng.pdn.ac.lk
Number of Hours: 6
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH07-01-01) physics
Intended Learning Activity: #relate# the human perception of macroscopic space and time to the Galilean space-time assumptions and inertial observers.
Author: smaithri@eng.pdn.ac.lk
Number of Hours: 2
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-01) engineering (non-specific)
Intended Learning Activity: #apply# Connecting things to the network and receiving data on the cloud.
Author: aparajita.biswal@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-01) engineering (non-specific)
Intended Learning Activity: #interface# Apply the understanding to interface a sensor with embedded board Arduino Uno
Author: aparajita.biswal@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-01) engineering (non-specific)
Intended Learning Activity: #analyse# Analyze the interfacing of embedded board for various purpose
Author: aparajita.biswal@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 4
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-01) engineering (non-specific)
Intended Learning Activity: #analyze# solve and analyze the non-verbal reasoning questions.
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-01) engineering (non-specific)
Intended Learning Activity: #prepare# Prepare presentation on industry profiles.
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 2
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-01) engineering (non-specific)
Intended Learning Activity: #develop# Logical Ability
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-01) engineering (non-specific)
Intended Learning Activity: #prepare# Interview Skills: About Interview, Types of Interviews, frequently asked interview questions, Blunders to be avoided during Interviews.
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-01) engineering (non-specific)
Intended Learning Activity: #demonstrate# Demonstrate and perform group discussion.
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 1
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-01) engineering (non-specific)
Intended Learning Activity: #prepare# Preparing cover letter to be sent with job application
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 2
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-01) engineering (non-specific)
Intended Learning Activity: #prepare# Prepare Online Profile to make yourself searchable.
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-01) engineering (non-specific)
Intended Learning Activity: #prepare# Improve analytical ability.
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-01) engineering (non-specific)
Intended Learning Activity: #prepare# Importance of Grooming in Corporate Life and how to present yourself during interview.
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 2
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-01) engineering (non-specific)
Intended Learning Activity: #prepare# Prepare a professional Resume.
Author: alpana.kumari@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 1
Intended Learning Activity: #adapt# Get Started with the Python
Author: snehal.sathwara@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 2
Intended Learning Activity: #demonstrate# Basics of Python Programming. Programming Fundamentals
Author: snehal.sathwara@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 1
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-01) engineering (non-specific)
Intended Learning Activity: #analyze# Analyze Basics of signals, digital modulation, and digital communication
Author: parita.rathod@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-01) engineering (non-specific)
Intended Learning Activity: #describe# After covering the content the learners will be able to identify the basic components of Arduino and node MCU embedded boards and able to demonstrate basic interfacing with the IDE(Integrated Development Environment).
Author: aparajita.biswal@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 1
Intended Learning Activity: #discuss# After covering the topic the learner can have a broad idea about what is the architecture of IoT and Market penetration of various IoT developments.
Author: aparajita.biswal@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-01) engineering (non-specific)
Intended Learning Activity: #define# This content is about the basic concept behind the Internet of Things and how the whole process works in a broad vision sense.
Author: aparajita.biswal@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 6
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-02) mechanical engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #describe# Define the fundamental laws of Thermodynamics and describe their application in thermal systems like air standardcycles of IC engines and analyzing the gas processes.
Author: milan.sanathara@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 4
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-02) mechanical engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #apply# Machine design and industrial drafting is the subject of engineering design. A machine is made up of mechanisms that work together to satisfy the requirements of what the machine needs to accomplish. Mechanisms can still be used independently, such as an umbrella, but cannot accomplish what a machine can because a machine controls energy in addition to motion. Machine design takes into account kinetics and kinematics, which deal with motion and the forces on an object in motion. Machine design is applied through a specific process including determining what the machine needs to do, bench marking and defining goals and requirements, brainstorming, evaluating and selecting from the different options, creating an in-depth design, creating and testing a prototype, and finally manufacturing the machine.
Author: deepkumar.sanghani@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 4
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-02) mechanical engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #associate# Theoretical knowledge with technical applications
Author: dragoi.m@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 2
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-02) mechanical engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #calculate# calculate kinematics
Author: gh.oancea@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 4
Intended Learning Activity: #handle# the knowledge related to relative motion and the kinematics of multibody systems
Author: dragoi.m@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 6
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-02) mechanical engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #apply# Apply practically the theoretical knowledge on statics
Author: dragoi.m@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-02) mechanical engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #calculate# calculate forces
Author: gh.oancea@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 4
Intended Learning Activity: #handle# with the knowledge related to the kinematics of the rigid body
Author: dragoi.m@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-02) mechanical engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #associate# text here knowledge with applications
Author: dragoi.m@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 6
Intended Learning Activity: #handle# the knowledge related to the gravity center of the complex bodies and equilibrium of the rigid bodies
Author: dragoi.m@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 1
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-02) mechanical engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #describe# describe basic notions of mechanics
Author: gh.oancea@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 4
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-02) mechanical engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #recognize# Aquire the basics of Static
Author: gh.oancea@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 4
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-02) mechanical engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #relate# the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the modal matrix of a lumped parameter system to the resonance behaviour of the system
Author: smaithri@eng.pdn.ac.lk
Number of Hours: 4
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-02) mechanical engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #use# frequency domain methods for vibration analysis
Author: smaithri@eng.pdn.ac.lk
Number of Hours: 4
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-02) mechanical engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #model# the vibratory behaviour of infinite dimensional systems using modes
Author: smaithri@eng.pdn.ac.lk
Number of Hours: 6
Intended Learning Activity: #approximate# the simple vibratory behaviour of systems using a second order ODE and relate the qualitative and quantitative behaviour of the system to the solutions of the ODE
Author: smaithri@eng.pdn.ac.lk
Number of Hours: 2
Intended Learning Activity: #summarize# knowledge acquired
Author: dragoi.m@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 3
Intended Learning Activity: #handle# with the knowledge related to kinematics
Author: dragoi.m@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-03) production and manufacturing engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #animate# text heretext
Author: gh.oancea@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-03) production and manufacturing engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #demonstrate# demonstrate how it is used course presentation in the could forming area
Author: gh.oancea@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 2.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-03) production and manufacturing engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #combine# combine templates
Author: gh.oancea@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 1
Intended Learning Activity: #create# Create a new TEAL 2.O resource The type of resource> Course Presentation The means used> a temlate
Author: gh.oancea@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 1
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-03) production and manufacturing engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #create# text here
Author: gh.oancea@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 8
Intended Learning Activity: #elaborate# elaborate course template
Author: gh.oancea@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 4
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-03) production and manufacturing engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #determine# the appropriate coordinate system to be used to machine a given component
Author: gh.oancea@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 6
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-04) aeronautical and aerospace engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #define# Statement
Author: gh.oancea@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 4
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-04) aeronautical and aerospace engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #calculate# Statement1
Author: gh.oancea@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 4
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-04) aeronautical and aerospace engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #combine# Statement 1
Author: gh.oancea@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 2
Intended Learning Activity: #demonstrate# text here
Author: gh.oancea@unitbv.ro
Number of Hours: 7
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-07) civil engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #discuss# Human factors that are Impediments to safety in construction. Roles of different groups in ensuring safety, health, welfare and social security. Steps to be taken in construction sites in case of accidents. Introduction to ergonomics and its relevance to construction.
Author: krupa.kalariya@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 1
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-07) civil engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #define# Material properties of steel - Structural steel sections, their properties,advantages and disadvantage
Author: omkar.dabhi@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-07) civil engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #interact# Introduction to Construction Industry and Safety: Basic concepts – accident – injury –lost time accidents, reportable accident, frequency rate, severity rate, incidence rate, safety codes.
Author: krupa.kalariya@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 1
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-08) electrical and electronic engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #describe# The fundamentals of microwave engineering
Author: vishakab@sltc.ac.lk
Number of Hours: 8
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH10-01-08) electrical and electronic engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #describe# Define terms associated with electricity and describe the effect of temperature upon resistance, Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s current and voltage law, Series and parallel connections of resistors.
Author: dipti.anant@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #write# python programing
Author: kantinanm@nu.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #study# Understand the concepts of OOP and Java programming constructs
Author: bhoomi.dangar@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 7
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #perform# This topic will cover the most advanced part of RDBMS which is PL/SQL. With the help of this learners will cover all the different components of PL/SQL like cursor, function, package, procedure, and trigger.
Author: parvez.belim@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 2.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #assign# text here
Author: bhoomi.dangar@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #perform# Students will gain knowledge about advance queries of sql.
Author: parvez.belim@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #design# This unit will help to understand the query and can apply to tables and fetch the data accordingly.
Author: parvez.belim@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 2
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #combine# This topic will help to gain knowledge about oops.
Author: bhoomi.dangar@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 1
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #study# and get acquainted with the contents of the course syllabus
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #use# Students will learn about laravel framework and run laravel projects.
Author: janki.kansagra@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #use# student will learn about basic of ER-Diagram and how to draw ER-Diagram.
Author: khushbu.vaishnav@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 2
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #arrange# OOP is an approach to programming which recognizes life as we know it as a collection of objects, which work in tandem with each other to solve a particular problem at hand.
Author: milan.savaliya@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 2
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #explain# Explain Evolving Role of Software and Changing Nature of Software
Author: shivangi.patel@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 2
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #explain# INTRODUCTION TO VARIOUS SYSTEM SOFTWARE
Author: anju.kakkad@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #study# scrum roles and terminologies
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #express# ontologies using different ontology languages
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #handle# and maintain a software application system
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #design# , test, and implement models of software application
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #detail# ,plan and asses usability metrics
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #draw# prototypes and design forms and reports
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #define# the requirements and system modeling, make class, sequence, activity diagrams
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #define# the requirements for a system
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #demonstrate# the SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language to proficiently retrieve and manipulate RDF data in the Semantic Web technologies course lecture.
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #elaborate# on various Semantic Web use cases and applications to identify practical scenarios where Semantic Web technologies can be employed effectively in the course lecture.
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #practice# Turtle notation to demonstrate the construction and interpretation of RDF Schema for effective data modeling in the Semantic Web technologies course lecture.
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #illustrate# RDF Schema to enable advanced data modeling and enhance knowledge representation in Semantic Web technologies.
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #define# the essential aspects of RDF syntax and semantics to proficiently represent and interpret data in the Semantic Web technologies course lecture.
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #demonstrate# understanding of fundamental Linked Data Principles to effectively interlink and share data on the Semantic Web.
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #define# the fundamental principles and applications of Semantic Web technologies, gaining insight into the seamless integration and effective utilization of structured data on the internet.
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
Intended Learning Activity: #define# the phases of a project management process, its feasibility, and understand the different methods of project management
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #handle# and manage information system projects
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
Intended Learning Activity: #define# the Agile concepts, values, and principles
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #demonstrate# Class and Exception
Author: chaklam@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #demonstrate# Functions
Author: chaklam@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #demonstrate# Tuples, Dictionaries, Sets
Author: chaklam@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #demonstrate# List
Author: chaklam@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #demonstrate# Python programming
Author: chaklam@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
Intended Learning Activity: #study# about the software process for the development of information systems
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
Intended Learning Activity: #recognize# the roles of information systems in business
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #employ# concepts of Semantic Web and related technologies to design and develop Semantic Web and Linked Data applications
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
Intended Learning Activity: #define# Heap and Quick Sort
Author: chaklam@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 3
Intended Learning Activity: #define# algorithm analysis
Author: chaklam@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 2
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #associate# After covering the content the learners will be able to identify the tractions in term of query and concurrency control in RDBMS.
Author: parvez.belim@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 4.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-01) computer science
Intended Learning Activity: #associate# After referring this topic leaners can understand the Entity Relational Model is a model for identifying entities to be represented in the database and representation of how those entities are related. The ER data model specifies enterprise schema that represents the overall logical structure of a database graphically.
Author: parvez.belim@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 2.5
Intended Learning Activity: #associate# After covering the content the learners will be able to identify the basic components of database and can able to create the tables.
Author: parvez.belim@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-03) information systems
Intended Learning Activity: #demonstrate# the installation of MySQL server and Workbench
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-03) information systems
Intended Learning Activity: #express# concepts and practical applications of Data Engineering in data modeling and management.
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-03) information systems
Intended Learning Activity: #demonstrate# solid understanding of Transaction processing and Consistency models, their principles and practical implications in data modeling and management.
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-03) information systems
Intended Learning Activity: #demonstrate# an understanding of CAP theorem's fundamental concepts and implications in data modeling and management decisions.
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-03) information systems
Intended Learning Activity: #define# principles of Data Sharding and Replication models and be able to apply them effectively in data modeling and management scenarios
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-03) information systems
Intended Learning Activity: #define# the concepts and practical applications of Graph in data modeling and management.
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-03) information systems
Intended Learning Activity: #demonstrate# comprehensive understanding of their principles and applications in data modeling and management.
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-03) information systems
Intended Learning Activity: #draw# efficient data schemas, utilizing query languages, and leveraging indexing strategies in document-oriented databases.
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-03) information systems
Intended Learning Activity: #articulate# key concepts and characteristics of NoSQL databases.
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-03) information systems
Intended Learning Activity: #demonstrate# normalization techniques to ensure data integrity, demonstrate proficiency in designing efficient and normalized relational database schemas, and understand the importance of maintaining data consistency through proper database design practices.
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-03) information systems
Intended Learning Activity: #demonstrate# the fundamentals of the Entity-Relationship (ER) Model and demonstrate understanding of relational database design principles, including entity types, relationships, attributes, and normalization techniques.
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-03) information systems
Intended Learning Activity: #define# the foundational concepts of the relational model and demonstrate knowledge of Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), including their structure, components, and basic operations.
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1
Intended Learning Activity: #combine# data modeling and management concepts to design, identify, implement and perform frequent CRUD operations on relational and NoSQL databases.
Author: teal2@ait.ac.th
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-04) software engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #examine# Introduction to the course
Author: sampathd@sltc.ac.lk
Number of Hours: 1.5
Intended Learning Activity: #design# text here
Author: sampathd@sltc.ac.lk
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-04) software engineering
Intended Learning Activity: #explain# Introduction to the first phase of the systems development life cycle.
Author: sampathd@sltc.ac.lk
Number of Hours: 1.5
Intended Learning Activity: #examine# Identify software development strategy for an organization. Steps include: 1. Identifying key objectives 2. Identifying users within the organization 3. Identifying functionalities that the information system should support for the users 4. Classifying the information system based on categories such as ERP, TPS, BSS, KMS, and UPS 5. Selecting a suitable software development strategy
Author: sampathd@sltc.ac.lk
Number of Hours: 3
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH11-01-08) others in computing
Intended Learning Activity: #explain# Introduction to computer, Components of computer, Advantages and Disadvantages of computer, Generations of Computer, Concepts of Computer Software, Categories of Computers,
Author: jignesh.kadwani@rku.ac.in
Number of Hours: 1.5
CAH3 Skill Classification: (CAH22-01-02) teacher training
Intended Learning Activity: #articulate# text here
Author: kamlesh.patel@rku.ac.in